
MUSICAL CHRONICLES - Jean-Frédéric Neuburger /Journal du confinement

MUSICAL CHRONICLES - Jean-Frédéric Neuburger /Journal du confinement

For those who were not already convinced, this period of confinement and social distancing has proven that music is not only an art, but above all else a wonderful means of communication! How better to express at a distance what we feel to our families, our friends, our audiences, than by playing it, singing it, writing it with notes?

The composers of the publishers Durand Salabert Eschig share many qualities: perhaps more than any other, we notice a tremendous desire and an irrepressible need to communicate. You already know that their generosity is unequaled when it comes to sharing their talent and their emotions through music.

Jean-Frédéric Neuburger, keyboard and sound magician, who first spontaneously chose to set these exclusive and nevertheless universal "musical chronicles" with eight piano improvisations record during the lockdown. A powerful gesture, which will set a precedent!


Here is what the composer tells us about this improvised "Journal": 


In this period of pandemic and confinement, during which all the concerts have been de facto cancelled, I have the impression that we have all faced at the very least two problems: that of how to express oneself, and also that of the powerlessness of art compared to the concrete problems that sadden and ground the world to a halt. So I chose to respond in my own way to these two problems, of "seizing the artistic moment" by creating a musical newspaper which would address the major themes of the period: Words (what is said, what is not said, the notion of communication), doubt, silence, point of view (to see oneself, not to see oneself, not to want to see oneself truly)fear, death, separated love (experienced by many families or newly-founded couples), love and night, other words. It’s a work of improvisation that is in line with my other compositions, one of my concerns being "how to express basic emotions through music": fear, joy, etc ... The particular emotions that we are inevitably experiencing at the moment therefore constitute a particularly rich and interesting breeding ground. I hope to find something worthwhile, and perhaps, through discoveries that we often make through the practice of improvisation, open possible avenues for a composition on the theme of confinement.


First episode of the "Journal du confinement" by Jean-Frédéric Neuburger - improvisation n° 1 "Les mots" :


Second episode of the "Journal du confinement" by Jean-Frédéric Neuburger - improvisation n° 2 "Le doute" :


Third episode of the "Journal du confinement" by Jean-Frédéric Neuburger - improvisation n° 3 "Le silence" :


Fourth episode of the "Journal du confinement" by Jean-Frédéric Neuburger - improvisation n° 4 "Le regard" :
