The Parisian subsidiary of Casa Ricordi in Milan was founded in 1888. At first intended to aid the development of its operatic activities, its presence was to assert itself even more strongly when in 1913 it created SAER or the Société Anonyme des Éditions Ricordi, exclusively devoted to the publication and promotion of new works by French composers.
The great names of the musical world flocked to its doors, forming a catalogue that can today boast one major works of Francis Poulenc, La Voix humaine, but also works by Claude Arrieu, Nabokov, Charles Chaynes, Daniel-Lesur, Marius Constant, Maurice Jarre, Henri Sauguet and others.
Ricordi-Paris also had the task of publishing and promoting in France the music of the great Italian composers Tosti, Veraccini, Verdi and Puccini.
In parallel with Éditions Salabert's activity in favour of classical music of the twentieth century, Ricordi-Paris boldly committed itself to composers of the younger generations: Alain Bancquart, Kasper Toeplitz, Thierry Pécou, Allain Gaussin, Vinko Globokar, Philippe Fénelon, José-Manuel Lopez-Lopez, Tod Machover, Martin Matalon, Ionel Petroï, Romitelli, etc.